
About Me

We are a group of people petitioning sponsors, advertisers and shareholders to get Kyle off the radio and TV due to his disgusting comments. Contact us at

Monday, January 23, 2012

Statement 23rd Jan 2012

On Thursday 19th January the Sydney Morning Herald and its related companies posted a story about our efforts to rid the public airways of Vile Kyle. In the four days that have passed since this story was originally published we have been inundated with requests from people that support our campaign and would like to like. Our group membership has grown from around 60 dedicated members to over 250 people who want to see Kyle gone and who are happy to follow our successful, non-confrontational strategy of hitting Austereo where it hurts, the hip pocket. These members join us in working tirelessly to achieve our goals and their efforts are outstanding. Since the article ran, a further five companies have either withdrawn their advertising or have indicated to us that they are looking into how and where their advertising dollars are spent, after being flooded with requests from our members to justify how supporting Kyle Sandilands can have a positive impact on their brand. We will continue to ask this via email, phone calls, Facebook and letters to those companies that continue to sponsor Kyle. Whilst this campaign is being run by four committed women from Australia, we have been supported by people and groups from all over the world. As well as the members in our group, members and staff from Collective Shout and have been steadfast in their support of both the four of us and our campaign. (Facebook) @sackvilekylefb (twitter)

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